Living in Texas gives us first-hand experience on how to effectively prepare for a hurricane! ⚠
Here at Smitty's, we really care about you - so we're here to advocate for your safety. We can tell you one thing that's for sure - hurricanes, and RV's, are not good friends...
👉While it’s not safe to take shelter in an RV during a hurricane, your RV can be a lifesaver after the hurricane has passed.
Here are some handy tips to prepare an RV for a hurricane.⚠
🌪Prepare for severe weather.
One 'nice' thing about hurricanes, is that we generally get some sort of warning ahead of time. If your plan is to hunker down and weather the storm at home, and your RV is stored outside, you need to do whatever you can to protect your RV. Try to avoid parking it near or under any trees. Hurricanes typically result in a great deal of rainfall. The rain softens the ground, and the high winds can uproot trees, causing large tree branches to break off and fall.
🌪Plan for power outages.
If you prepare in advance, your RV can be a handy resource during that time. Fill the RV’s fresh water tank with potable water in case you need it after the storm. Make sure the LP gas cylinders are full and the battery is charged so you can cook, take showers, and use the refrigerator in the LP gas mode. It’s also wise to the keep the RV’s gas tank full in case you need to relocate.
When you use your RV to evacuate from a hurricane, try to think through all the potential scenarios. Think flooded bridges, fallen trees blocking the road, plan at least 3 reliable, completely different evacuation routes.
👉Stay safe, and stay prepared with Smitty's!
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